Posted August 3, 2020
With over 1/10 raised toward its goal of $1 million, Mountain Voices Project is currently in dialogue with Pitkin, Eagle and Garfield counties. Having formally presented a proposal to Garfield County on June 15, asking for $500,000, the group was directed to first speak with other nonprofits already offering housing assistance and to obtain commitments from the other two counties.
The campaign asks that landlords forgive 1/3 of rent due if tenants pay 1/3 and the fund provides the final 1/3. The idea for splitting rent into thirds came from discussions among Mountain Voices Project members as a way of spreading aid, specifically CARES Act assistance, by also sharing the challenges wrought by this pandemic and the subsequent economic hardship.
Landlord/Tenant Housing Recovery Plan Raises Funds to Share Rental Costs, KDNK Radio